Amazing story! Ex-Model Turia Pitt suffered 65% burn body Injury, but her boyfriend did something amazing!


Amazing Story Shared by Dr. Ben Carson on Facebook, i thought it is inspiring and i decided to share;

The Australian ex-model Turia Pitt suffered burns to 65 per cent of her body, lost her fingers and thumb on her right hand and spent five months in hospital after she was trapped by a grassfire in a 100 kilometre ultra-marathon in the Kimberley. Her boyfriend decided to quit his job to care for her recovery.

Days ago, in an interview for CNN they asked him:

"Did you at any moment think about leaving her and hiring someone to take care of her and moving on with your life?"

His reply touched the world:

"I married her soul, her character, and she's the only woman that will continue to fulfill my dreams."


This made me very reflective. I just wonder; if the person you love today encounters an incident or accident that transforms who they are physically, it could be amputation, it could be paralysis, it could be severe burns that scald their flesh beyond recognition, would you stay?

If the person you love lost all their money, their beauty, their limbs, would your love stay unchanged? If that woman you're so crazy about faced burns like these, would you still love her? If he lost all his money, his cars, his house, would you still love him? And this also leads me to the importance of great character. What lies beneath your surface? Do you have a soul worth falling in love with?

Love is the most misused and abused word of all time. How many of us who claim to love actually love?

Just last night I was out with someone when realization dawned. My ears were filled with I Love You's but it occured to me that if I as much as had a brief illness this person would vanish like a puff of smoke. So what exactly is this love we talk about?

I'm certain some of us have experienced real love, and are still experiencing it. Has someone ever shown you love in the face of dire challenges and difficulties, far beyond your expectations of them... Please share.


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