Dentist finds 202 teeth in 7 year old girl’s mouth

A seven-year-old girl whose mouth suddenly swollen up visited her dentist only to found she had 202 teeth in New Delhi, India. The unusual discovery was made by one of the dentists at All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), after the mother of the girl who complained about severe pain took her to the dentist.

The medical examination and X-rays showed the youngster had 202 teeth. The girl suffered from compound odontoma – a complex tumour composed of normal dental tissues that have grown in an irregular way.

The seven-year-old had to endure two hours of surgery to remove the extra gnashers. Doctors say that although the operation was simple it was also very delicate as a single mistake could cause a jaw fracture. Now the girl is able to chew food and can go back to leading a normal life.

Dr Ajoy Roychoudhary, head of oral and maxillofacial surgery at New Delhi medical instute, said: "Normally we see a few abnormal teeth-like structures in such patients; 202 of them inside the mouth of a seven-year-old is shocking, and our prime task was to get rid of it."

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