What men see as attractive, irresistible in women (LADIES)


How can you make a man attracted to you beyond your looks… attracted enough to see you as irresistible and how do you keep this long into a relationship?

The bigger question is why do men who seemed interested and connected with you suddenly become disinterested, pull away and shut down and what can you do about it?

Unless you understand these “secrets” we are about to discuss about being IRRESISTIBLE and ATTRACTIVE to a man, you will most likely constantly deal with men pulling away, losing interest, avoiding commitment and even leaving.

Here are some few but major tip:

Youthfulness: Most women believe that attraction has to do mostly with their body… weight, breast size, bone structure etc.

And while this plays a part, it couldn’t be further from the truth.

A man desires youthfulness in a woman he would consider spending all of his time with. Youthfulness means a state of being innocent and childlike, and this is something that stimulates men on a subconscious level to crave. Youth is an attitude.

Most women are very burned out inside from the obligations of the world, and this has a very strong effect on how men will perceive you.

It may be difficult for you to “get” this because women in our society are virtually “brainwashed” to believe if their bodies are not young or pretty, they don’t stand a chance at captivating a man. NOT TRUE… and I have many, many cases to back this up. I’ve documented that attraction has mostly to do with your internal “energy”.

Men sense when a woman is fresh and has kept herself separate from the negativity of other’s opinions and when a woman has allowed herself to be burned out, burdened with obligations and has lost touch with the little girl within.

A child playing on the playground hasn’t been burdened by the world’s “adulthood” and “responsibilities” yet.

All she cares about is PLAYING… in the sand, swinging on the swings and having fun. She is fresh, she doesn’t hold onto the past and isn’t worried about the future.

It’s one thing be responsible, and another thing to allow it to define who you are.
I’m always amazed when I see 18-year-old girls who feel 40, and then when I see 40-year-old women who feel 18.
It’s just a matter of learning what type of energy men are emotionally attracted to in a woman.

Stay in Shape: Men want to be aroused by the sight of you being naked. People can argue the pitfalls of the BMI scale (a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women) all they want, but for the average, it works just fine. Men don’t want a bag of bones, nor do they want a woman who looks like she is smuggling beach balls. I suggest 3-4 times a week of cardio-esque activity. Regarding your diet…you do not need to starve yourself; you do not need those greasy chips or fatty junk food either. Eat plenty of vegetable and keep to good diet.

Lay Off the Body Modification:  Men settle for natural hair color, tasteful and coverable tattoos (if any at all).
Beauty, healthy hair, good-looking skin, well-done makeup, healthy weight; these are the more superficial things men adore.
Most men are not looking for you to be a super model, they just want to know that you care about your presentation.
Now where most women get tripped up believing that external beauty is everything… it is not.
Let me ask you something. Have you ever thought… what is beauty?
Beauty is the OUTWARD expressions of femininity, which men are attracted to like NOTHING else. This is why beauty is so powerful to men.
Ease Up on the Makeup: The less the better. It is bad enough that the makeup industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that essentially tells women that they are ugly. What is even worse is that half of you come out of the house looking like Bozo the Clown. Maybe you should throw away the Maybelline, and work with what you were born with.

Nurturance: Most men enjoy independence in a woman, but men also secretly like to feel taken care of as well.

To most women this comes naturally. The problem is when a man does something hurtful to a woman; she has a tendency to begin to withhold this quality out of either fear or anger.
Osho, an enlightened Indian mystic, once said “a man’s life is a journey to find the happiness he once felt inside the womb of his mother.” Very deep stuff.
Could you imagine the repercussions if you were able to make him feel this way? You wouldn’t be able to get rid of him!
And there are ways to make him feel this way that I don’t have time to get into right now (that’s what my free email newsletter and programs are for).
The great thing is nurturance is one of your most basic female instincts… Most guys do want that little tiny bit of mommy in a girlfriend.
But because of society, “responsibilities” and the resentment that most women feel unconsciously towards men, women end up losing touch with this part of themselves.
If you’re not nurturing to a man, there’s a good chance that he will feel a level of distrust in your ability to fulfill him emotionally.
Make Your Own Money: When it comes to money, men really couldn’t care less if you make a whole lot, but you need to be making enough so that you are not a financial drain on him. If you make more than him, more power to you, just refrain from throwing it in his face like some form of one-upmanship.

Be Submissive: This kind of overlaps with being feminine. As much as the word has been made into a negative, being submissive is a good thing, and it’s not synonymous with being a door mat or that you have no voice in the relationship. Seriously, heaven forbid you do a little back bending for the sake of pleasing YOUR man because you want to keep him interested in you. Personally I think feminism has turned relationships that are supposed to be loving into their own little battlefields. Rub his back, watch what he wants to watch, suck him off. A GOOD man will reciprocate, and placate to the things you want and make sure you are also happy.

Sex Life: Men want a woman that has a healthy sex drive and few past sexual partners. That means that you and your past boyfriend had a lot of sex. It does not mean that you were the town bicycle. Life isn’t fair. Get used to it. The average man will never see that many women anyway. Men also do not want a woman that leverages sex as a way to get what she wants. That is a pretty good indicator that she really is not all that interested in sex [with him] in the first place.
Also been sexually adventurous. But sexual adventure does NOT mean having sex with every person in sight, or having fivesomes in a bathroom stall on Hollywood Blvd.
It simply mean being RELAXED about sex instead of tense, nervous or rejecting of it… and never using it or withholding it as a tool to make a man give you love… because it simply does nothing to make him feel irresistibly in love and attracted to you… in fact it will do the opposite.
If you are alive sexually, you will cause a man to feel a deep sense that you are different from other girls.
He never knows what’s going to happen next… and what happens in the bedrooms carries in a relationship.
If you’re not adventurous sexually, unpredictable and spontaneous then the relationship will turn cold.
Sex is the barometer of a relationship, and what you bring to it will decide how irresistible your man will find you.

Be Intelligent: No man wants a woman that cannot flex her mental muscles.

Be Willing to Cook at Least Three Times a Week:
I wish I knew where things had taken a turn for the worst in terms of women’s progress, but apparently the domestic ability of being able to feed yourself without ordering takeout or putting some TV dinner in the microwave has fallen by the wayside.

Put Down the Phone: We get it, your bathroom selfie just got you 40 likes on Instagram or a hundred retweets and boosted your ego for the next 15 minutes. Then you just bought that new thing everyone keeps raving about, and you need to tweet about it and send a Snapchat to your bestie while you are driving home from work (that light up ahead is red, btw). Perhaps you should unplug from the matrix long enough to realize that there is a living breathing person in close proximity trying to interact with you. It is simply amazing how many things stop being “awkward” when you learn to not use one of your various electronic screens as an emotional buffer.

Stop Hoarding Guy Friends: 9 out of 10 of your guy friends just want to sleep with you anyway. Men know how other men think. The first guy that comes to comfort you after a big fight will also be the first one to say “he’s not good enough for you” in order to sabotage the relationship, and then he’ll be the first one to try to get into your pants after he convinces you that your man is a creep. It’s not about having trust issues. It’s about knowing how people act. Trust is earned, not immediately granted.

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