52-year-old mother who really DOES look like she is in her twenties (Photos)


With her clear skin, enviable figure and thick, dark hair, social worker Pamela Jacobs looks every inch the yummy mummy. But while she might look like a young mum in her late twenties or early thirties, Mrs Jacobs is actually 52 - and has a 21-year-old son named Marley to prove it.

So youthful does the Leeds mother-of-one appear, she has been offered student rail fares and is told she must by lying when she reveals her real age.

'Men do comment on my looks and say things like "I don't believe you" or "You must be lying",' she says. 'I always say, what woman would actually add years on?'

Mrs Jacobs, who says her mother and siblings also look younger than they really are, attributes her youthful looks to good genes, a healthy diet, lots of exercise and plenty of coconut oil.

She also has a weekly sauna and steam, exfoliates her face every other day and never leaves the house without sunscreen - she like to use Greek brand Korres because it's 'natural'.

But unlike Stephanie Arnott, the 58-year-old who hit headlines recently after claiming to look 35 and saying her beauty 'reduces men to tears', Mrs Jacobs says she doesn't play up to her looks.

'I'm not sure I would clean a car in a bikini [as Mrs Arnott claimed to do]  – there are some limits when you have a 21-year-old son,' she says. 'I do still wear little denim shorts in the garden though.'

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