Eulogy For Marcus Clement Chinedu whose young and creative life was snatch away by armed robbers

Just last week, you were trying to put together a eulogy for your late grand-mother, the words eluded you, the right phrases refused to neatly come together to perfectly depict what she meant to you.
Now life has played us a cruel joke, the tables have turned on us...

It's so hard to fathom how death could snatch you away from us so soon. Sorrow fills our hearts this sad moment, a sorrow that is deep and incomprehensible as you Clement Chinedu Marcus silently closed the door of life and departed from us. Our lives will be empty in the areas that you have brightened.

Albert Einstein rightly said, "The value of a man should be seen in what he gives and not in what he is able to receive."

Marcus as we all call him, was a young man who gave. He gave much to his work and had a strong sense of duty, showing up even after his hours had ended. Ever ready to contribute his quota to see the organisation moves a step closer to its goal. He was full of life... Here was a life!, a good life, a promising life, a life that exemplified brilliance...a result oriented life, a life that inspired emulation, a life that burnt so bright that others' paths were lit by it, a life that demanded notice...

Unfortunately, Clement Chinedu Marcus answered deaths taunt in the early hours of Friday, the last day in the month of October 2014, after he was attacked and brutally shot by armed robbers.

In his weak state, he managed to give an account of the incident to policemen who were investigating the case. He said, when he tried to push the door close against the robbers, they got angry on getting into the house and one of them said, "Waste him!". He was shot severally.

When rushed to the hospital, he was immediately placed on oxygen, the point (his heart) at which one of the bullet pierced affected his lung and was violently pumping out blood with every breath he took, he became weak by every second until he gave up.

One of his colleagues recounts a shared moment with him, he said "Jane, when I become the governor of Abia State with lots of security and aides around, then you will see me on TV and say to your people look at Marcus my former colleague... don't worry when I get there, I will request to see you, you know that you are my sister from the same state."

Indeed, we have lost a visionary who was brilliant, innovative and creative... even in death, he asked God for forgiveness and prayed for the robbers.

Marcus we wish we had known that your candle was short. Though it was short but it shined bright. We are grateful for every second of every day that God graced us to spend with you. We will not let them win Marcus. This is our promise to you. We will not let them "waste you!" like they had brutally and callously intended. Your candle was short but we will lengthen it. We will not let your candle burn out. The sparks you ignited in us will burn into wild fires. The seeds you have sown will grow.

Marcus you are surely and sorely missed. If we had known we would have inhaled you even more deeply, to exhale you slowly. Rest, our dear brother, friend, colleague and son, in Gods perfect peace.

Written by Silas Idoho, Jane and edited by Michael John

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