Foods that could ruin your sex life

The link between food and sex drive isn’t just wishful thinking, it is common knowledge that there's a definite link between what you eat and how you feel; which probably means you also know that there's a link between your nutrition and your sex life.

Studies show that certain foods or nutrients do play a role in boosting libido and supporting a healthy sex life.

A healthy lifestyle from the food you eat to the exercise you do can make you look and feel better, and improve your sex life, too. At the same time, some foods can be mood and libido-killers.

Here are a variety of foods that can put some fizzle in your sex life:

Foods rich in saturated fats: The saturated fats you'll find in most fatty meats clog your arteries...not exactly news to you. But did you know that the first arteries usually affected are the penal and vaginal arteries? They're small, which means they quickly collect plaque. So, even if you're still looking slender despite your close personal relationship with foods rich in saturated fats, your sex life might be suffering.

Foods heavy on trans fats: Let's face it, you've probably never heard a good word about trans fats...and processed baked goods are loaded with them. In addition to clogging arteries, trans fats have also been linked to reduced testosterone levels (which means lower sex drive). Other foods that contain trans fats include French fries, pancakes, fried chicken, microwave popcorn, ice creams, non dairy creamers, cookies, biscuits and sweet rolls, frozen or creamy beverages, and crackers.

Alcohol: If you always require a couple of drinks before you can get in the mood for sex, there's something seriously wrong with your sex life. Alcohol is commonly perceived as an aphrodisiac that breaks down barriers and inhibitions before sex, but all it actually does is numb your libido in the long term.

Getting drunk might even put off your partner and you might end up having lousy sex. The same goes for recreational drugs and other so-called libido boosters.

Note that it takes more than just a few candles and a Marvin Gaye song to feel sexy. The kind of food we eat should be considered for a healthy and a better sex life.

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