‘’Are you attracted to men or women’’ – Friends ask Caitlyn Jenner (See responds)


Caitlyn Jenner has been asked plenty of questions since announcing her transition earlier this year. Why “Caitlyn”? Does she still identify herself as a Republican? And one of the most common: Who are you more attracted to, men or women?

Jenner faces that question again in a sneak peek of Sunday’s episode of I Am Cait, and it’s no easier to answer than it was months ago.

While having a dinner party with some of her girlfriends, the topic of conversation soon turns to sex and relationships.

'I wanna hear what it's like to date as a trans woman in our community,' Cait's friend - and rumoured girlfriend - Candis Cayne announces.

'Caitlyn you start,' someone shouts, catching the former Olympian off guard.

'Absolutely nothing!' she grins while the room laughs along.
Chandi, another of her friends, then interjects: 'I know for a fact you've said many times that you've only been attracted to women...'

'I've only been with women,' she clarifies, before declaring: 'I have bigger things than an orgasm to worry about.'

When the table is then asked: 'who's more attracted to men?' Caitlyn looks around intrigued at all the hands drifting up.
When all eyes settle on her, she realises her own hand is half up - and she quickly pulls it down.

'I don't know, I don't know,' she hurriedly replies. 'I've never been with a guy.'

'You're gonna date women, you're gonna date men, what are you gonna do.... I don't know!' she confesses in frustration.

We're watching.

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