Malaysia missing plane: We Aassume plane is lost, none on board survived - Malaysia PM


Malaysia Prime Minister Najib Razak in a press conference on Monday said new data analysis by investigators have concluded that Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 flew along the southern corridor and its last location was in the Southern Indian Ocean west of Perth.

The flight ended in the Southern Corridor according to a review of Inmarsat data the prime minister said, adding a press conference will be held on Tuesday to give more details.

He said the families of the 239 people on the flight, missing since March 8, have been informed.

Malaysian Airlines says it now has to assume “beyond any reasonable doubt” that missing flight MH370 has been lost and there are no survivors.

Malaysia Airlines flight MH370, with 239 people on board, went missing after taking off from Kuala Lumpur 8 March.

The announcement came as a search effort in the southern Indian Ocean completed a fifth day of operations.

Relatives of the 239 people on the missing Malaysia Airlines plane screamed in anguish as they were told the jet crashed in the Indian Ocean.

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