BigBrotherAfrica: The Housemates got Messages from Home


BBA Update: Messages From Home
Biggie’s done it again. He has managed to get the Housemates all emotional again by airing messages from their loved ones back home. Their emotions were running wild and they couldn’t help but be grateful to Biggie for this gesture.
First to be surprised was South African choreographer Angelo whose sister said the whole family is so proud of him having made it this far in the game but unfortunately his mother couldn’t send a message due to matters of her health. He cried when his nieces told him that they were rooting for him and wished him good luck, you could tell that he was a bit surprised.

Next on the surprise list was female MC and recording artist Cleo who heard the sound of her daughter’s voice and she immediately beamed with a smile. Her mother extended her congratulations for Cleo sticking it out and also told her that she is praying for her. Cleo’s cousin told her that her music video is out, it’s the talk of the town and everybody is downloading it. She jumped from her seat when she heard these news knowing fully well what this means for her music career. The cherry on top was her daughter’s message telling her that they’ll see each other on the finale.

The instant Bimp’s mother was on screen, Bimp went on his knees and put his hands together as if to pray. The message was in his language which made it all the more special for the Ethiopian Housemate. As he listened, he was torn between laughter and tears, showing that he appreciated what was being said to him. His woman told him not to come home until the last day and he shouldn’t worry about them back home because everyone is doing just fine. “Just bring home the money,” she instructed.

Dillish was greeted with a loud ‘hey Dillish’ by her family which also had ex-Housemate Maria in it. Steven told her that she is doing a good job in the game and is also very proud of her having made it this far. “You know you are always in here and keep doing what you’re doing,” he added. Dillish immediately thanked Biggie for her surprise, especially because her man was on it.

Beverly went so crazy when her mother’s voice echoed through the lounge. She told Beverly that the crown is already on her head and she is coming back with the money. “We are all behind you and don’t forget to pray for yourself,” she added. Her cousin, who is also in the entertainment industry, motivated her and reminded her of the star she already is. The Housemates said that Beverly is exactly like her mother, even her character is similar to the free spirited woman they saw on screen.

Feza jumped out of her seat when she heard her son’s voice come through the speakers. She ran and stood in front of the TV as if to hear them better. Her mother motivated her by saying that she was selected out of many to represent Tanzania and she must not forget her reason for being on The Chase. “We love you and we support you. Chase the money back to Tanzania,” her mother said. She cried as she heard her son say she must bring the money home as well.

Elikem’s message from his brother and business partner was tailor-made for him as his big brother kept it short and sweet by letting him know that the family, Ghana and Africa is proud of him. His little brother told him that business is booming and Ghana is behind him all the way. He also told him that when he comes home he needs to give him his bike. “God bless you and we’re proud of you,” his family said in unison.

“Hello Melvin” came blasting through the TV and the Nigerian model Melvin was as happy as a kid on Christmas morning. His homeboys told him that he should bring back the money because it’s very important to them. They read a letter from Melvin’s father who couldn’t make it to the recording. “Be smart, stay focused, trust God but still watch your back,” his father had written.

Looks like everyone wants the money for their own country but with messages like these, who wouldn’t want to take the money back home?

Who do you think will keep his/her promise to bring the money back home?


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